Many thanks Atlantis.
As regards the "Do Not Call", is that an old file? I did not think 25 Columbia Heights to be a current address for the WT Society.
2019--prison witnessing training seminar.
2019--10-14--follow up tp prison witnessing training seminar.
2019--example notice to cease and desist for congregation2019--example notice to cease and desist for watchtower2019--guide to configuring kingdom hall audio and video system computer-s-132-e2019--example midweek meeting schedule-s-140-e2020--example year text-yt20-eall are in this zipped folder atlantis!
Many thanks Atlantis.
As regards the "Do Not Call", is that an old file? I did not think 25 Columbia Heights to be a current address for the WT Society.
matt 28: 19 is the year text.
new understanding on joel ch 2 who are the locusts?.
there is a new building addition to warwick in the works.
So today's day's Text (Matt 28:19) was no coincidence. I guess even the GB like to have a joke!
the annual meeting (2019) is happening as i am posting this.. any comments yet or information from what is being presented?.
rub a dub.
One of the speculations on that list is a new Revelation Book.
After six previous attempts plus revisions I think they should leave that topic well alone!
looks like the update i pushed yesterday broke the "new topic" link.
if this shows up, then it's fixed :).
there are quite a few other updates, nothing should be visually different but the backend is changing in preparation for more noticeable changes and just to improve performance..
As above
i have a friend of mine who is a jw is getting one.
its sad.
its going to be sad if he is going to be destroyed by jehovah for doing this..
I would have thought it is just like any organ transplant, a personal decision these days. Gone are the days of considering transplants as cannibalism.
my uber cousin and wife are going back to wallkill this weekend for the annual meeting since they have a daughter and son in law in the inner sanctum so they are always invited.
cousin said it was going to be broadcast from patterson to wallkill.
anyone hear anything else about subject matter etc?.
Weird - The usually have the Annual meeting the first October weekend of the year
Very unusual, as said, normally the first Saturday in October. What are they up to? Hopefully Lynnie you will be able to keep us posted.
oh boy, the meetings lined up for december are culty.. it all starts with a 5 minute talk someone has to give on the topic "why should we not be troubled by the increase of memorial partakers in recent years?".
the next week again inserts jws into bible prophecy, first with "the earth swallowed up the river", which claims that court victories for the org are really god's doing.
there is no mention on who is responsible for the many judgements against the org.. then there's this chart to be discussed that same night:.
"Why should we not be troubled by the increase of Memorial partakers in recent years?"
Evidently the numbers are up again this year.
i have worked at chelmsford .
everybody seems so happy, but i couldn’t help wondering why all these volunteers give up their time and money, working for free for the future bethelites to live in such luxury .
all all the volunteers working there now will be kicked out on the street next year, with the lucky few laughing at the poor suckers who irked for free making this new bethel so amazing .
there is no an official helipad, but there are fields designed for heli take offs and landings.
A company I worked for about 35 years ago owned a field where the VIP's would arrive by helicopter. However very stringent safety procedures were laid down including having a fire engine attending the landing site along with the limousine.
Once the admin dept ordered the fire engine but forgot the limo. The VIP's travelled into the company in the fire engine but apparently enjoyed the trip!
i kind of like the 50’s and early 60’s because of the innocence and “happy days” outlook by that generation.
it seems most people were pretty innocent and real.. would you rather be living in a different era or is this century working for you?
I just love being alive right now. Modern technology has advanced so far and so fast. Wasted so much time and energy studying about valves (US - tubes) in the 50's and 60's. Also wasted time as a JW.
I wish I was 50 years younger though. England is great, Mrs England is great so what's not to like?
remember top shelf tony da turd broadcasting that world wide 2 years ago at the end of the convention?
well 2 years later do we see the slightest hint of the nation's declaring peace and security or going after religion?
so how was it imminent?
AGM - 5 October 2019.
Will the GB announce the end of the preaching work? I doubt it. There may be a stir if they did but the risk would be too great if after a year, 2 years or whatever, nothing had happened.
The so called preaching work keeps JW's from doing much more interesting and entertaining things.